1. Sharon Airey, Heriot-Watt Univ.
Dept. of Building Engineering and Surveying
Edinburgh, Scotland2. Claudia Anderson
Audio Enhancement Riverton
Utah 840653 Ralph Balck
Balck Engineering
Grand Rapids, MI 495034 Larry Beard
Blue River Products, Inc.
Laguna Hills, CA 926535 Todd Busch
Acentech Incorporated
Thousand Oaks, CA 913626 Quinsan Cao
Virginia Tech.
Blacksburg, VA 246017 Robert Chaney
Western Acoustics Associates
Los Angeles, CA 900718 Teresa A. Frank
DWL Architectures
Phoenix, AZ 850149 Manfred Grote
ARCOS Acoustical Consulting, Ltd.
Calgary AB T2N 3P9 Canada10 Carol Hambarian
Cal. State Polytechnical University
Pamona, CA 91768 (562) 943-852611 Dean Heerwagen
Dept. of Architecture
University of Washington
Seattle, WA12 K. Anthony Hoover
Sudbury, MA 0177613 Cheryl Deconde Johnson
c/o Greeley-Evans School District #6
Greeley, CO 9063414 Daniel L. Johnson
Larson Davis15 Owen B. Lang
Bioacoustics Ltd.
Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 2NR England16 David Lubman
Westminster, CA 92683
(714) 373-3050
FAX (714) 373-305017 George A. Luz
US Army Center for Health Prevention and Preventive Medicine
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-542218 Peggy B. Nelson
Univ. of Maryland (ASA P&P Rep)19 Michael Nixon
Enviro-Acoustics Co, Inc.
9806 10th Avenue, North
Minneapolis, MN 55441
(612) 473-1454
FAX (612) 404-251520 Roberta L. Null
Common Place Design
Whittier, CA 9060221 Karl S. Pearsons
BBN Technologies
Division of GTE
Canoga Park, CA 91303-282122 Annette Peppard
Chesterfield, MO 6301123 Michel Picard
Univ. of Montreal
Speech and Hearing Montreal QC
H3C 3J7 Canada24 Janis (Widget) Richards
PARENT Marietta, GA 3006225 Stephen I. Roth
President-Elect, 1998
INCE-USA Roth Acoustical Associates
Pittsburgh, PA 1524126 August Sauter Jr.
C.E. Pickup, Inc. (Rep for IAC)
Garden Grove, CA 92841
FAX (71) 892-315527 Mark E. Schaffer
McKay Conant Brook Inc., California28 Anne Seltz
Universal Communication (Very helpful)
Minneapolis, MN 5540929 Neil A. Shaw
Menlo Scientific Acoustics Inc.
Topanga, CA 90290-161030 Ted Simons, President
Communications Unlimited, Inc.
West Palm Beach, FL 3340131 Joseph J. Smaldino
Dept. of Communicative Disorders
University of Northern Iowa32 Phyl Smith
Phyl Smith & Associates Designers
San Francisco, CA 9413333 Sigfrid D. Soli
Director, Hearing Aid Research House Ear Institute
Los Angeles, CA 90057 (Our Host)34 Lou Sutherland
27803 Longhill Drive Rancho
Palos Verdes, CA 90275-3908
(310) 541-7654
FAX (310) 541-779535 Fred Svinth
Jack Evans & Associates, Inc.
Austin, TX 7873136 Lois Thibault
U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Key Government liaison)
Washington, DC 20004-1111 (202) 272-5434, Ext 32
FAX (202) 272-544737 Ruby L. Trow
Cal Poly State Univ. Pomona
Pomona, CA 9176838 Philip J. Wentz
Engineering Dynamics International
St. Louis, MO 63124
FAX (314) 991-2099, ASA & NCAC39 Ewart A. Wetherill
Paoletti Associates
San Francisco, CA 9413340 Julie A. Wiebusch
The Greenbusch Group, Inc.
Seattle, WA 9811541 Evelyn J. Williams
M.S., ASHA (Key ASHA liaison)
Rockville, MD 20852
FAX (301) 897-7354
42 Karen Anderson
Puyallup, WA 9837444 Robert E. Apfel
Yale University (Great keynote speaker)
New Haven, CT 06520-8286
45 Daniel C. Bruck
Bruck Richards Chaudiere, Inc.
Seattle, WA 98105
46 David Canning
Bioacoustics Ltd.
Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 2NR England
47 Carl C. Crandell
Assoc.Prof of Audiology
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
48 Micah Downing
US Air Force Armstrong Laboratory
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7901
49 Fred Folsom
Armstrong World Industries
Cumming, GA 30041
50 Murray Hodgson
UBC Occupational Hygiene
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z3 Canada
51 Jack E. Randorff
Randorff and Associates
Ransom Canyon, TX 79366-2206
FAX (806) 829-2527 (Couldn't attend- expressed
strong interest at San Diego meeting)
52 John Reyner
Washington, DC 20405 (Good Govt. facilities liasison)
53 Lawrence I. Shotland, NIDOCD
Bethesda, MD 20892
(Strong interest @ ASA, Penn State, didn't attend Workshop)
54 Donna L. Sorkin
Pres, Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, Inc.
Bethesda, MD 2081
EXHIBITORS (May be willing to assist with Coalition)
55 Claudia Anderson
Audio Enhancement
12613 South Redwood Road
Riverton, Utah 84065
56 Jeff Sessions
Blue River Products, Inc.
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
57 Celotex Corp. PO Box 31602
Tampa, FL 33631
58 Alan Eckel
Eckel Industries, Acoustic Div.
Cambridge, MA 02138
59 Lifeline Amplification Systems
55 South Fourth St.
Platteville, WI 53818
60 President
Phonic Ear Inc.
10-7475 Kimbel Street
Mississauga, Ontario, L5S 1E7, Canada
61 CISCA (Council of Interior Systems, etc)
(No show but supported Workshop - contact Mike Nixon)
62 US GYPSUM INTERIORS (No show but supported Workshop)
CO-SPONSOR | Possible Coalition Rep. |
American Academy of Audiology | Peggy Nelson |
Armstrong World Industries | Fred Folsom |
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | Evelyn Williams |
ASHRAE, TC2.6 Sound & Vibration Committee | Mark Schaffer |
California Dept. of Education | ? |
Council for Educational Facilities Planners, Int. | ? |
Educational Audiology Association | Karen Anderson |
House Ear Institute | Sig Soli |
Institute of Noise Control Engineering, USA | Steve Roth |
National Council of Acoustical Consultants | Jerry Lilly |
Self Help for Hard of Hearing People | Donna Sorkin |
U.S. Arch. & Transp. Barriers Compliance Brd (the Access Board) | Lois Thibault |
Possible Co-Sponsors or Coalition Reps.
American Academy of Audiology Peggy Nelson
Armstrong World Industries Fred Folsom
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Evelyn Williams
ASHRAE, TC2.6 Sound & Vibration Committee Mark Schaffer
California Dept. of Education
Council for Educational Facilities Planners, Int.
Educational Audiology Association Karen Andersen
House Ear Institute Sig Soli
Institute of Noise Control Engineering, USA Steve Roth
National Council of Acoustical Consultants Jerry Lilly
Self Help for Hard of Hearing People Donna Sorkin
U.S. Arch. & Transp.Barriers Compliance Brd Lois Thibault
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