Workshop on Eliminating Acoustical Barriers to Learning in Classrooms
New York, NY
The City University of New York Graduate Center
February 26-27, 1999

Organized by
The Acoustical Society of America
The City University of New York
The National Council of Acoustical Consultants

A workshop for eliminating classroom noise and reverberation as barriers to effective learning and easy verbal communication between students and teachers.

To bring together those engaged in the planning, development or use of educational facilities, including:

  • Educators; Administrators; Architects
  • Audiologists; Speech Pathologists
  • Acousticians; Government Officials
  • Parents; Others

Partial List of Sponsors:
American Speech, Language and Hearing Association, U.S. Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (the Access Board), Council of Educational Facilities Planners International, Self- Help for the Hard-of- Hearing, League for the Hard-of-Hearing, Lexington Hearing and Speech Center.

For Further Information call:
(516) 576-2360


Research has confirmed teacher and parent experience that poor classroom acoustics (high noise levels or reverberation):

  • Create a major barrier to individual learning;
  • Place additional burdens on teachers;
  • Cause low student achievement, poor classroom discipline and teacher burnout;
  • Is detrimental to all students and teachers but especially to those with a hearing, learning or language disability;
  • Can be avoided by design and corrected with current knowledge.

This workshop is designed to provide practical planning strategies and methods to avoid or correct poor acoustics in existing and planned educational facilities.


How to identify, diagnose and solve acoustical problems in classrooms and other listening and learning spaces.

How to identify students at high risk, such as those with mild hearing loss, with limited English proficiency, or with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).

Demographics of the classroom acoustics problem: the number, type, and ages of students at risk.

Acoustical parameters of speech intelligibility emphasizing background noise levels and reverberation time.

Risks to normally abled students.

Recommended architectural acoustic criteria for intelligible speech.

Practical solutions to implementation problems, including administrative, architectural, engineering, financial, and political aspects.

Access guidelines and possible standards.

How acousticians, architects and audiologists can work effectively with administrators, teachers and parents to create acoustically excellent learning spaces.


FRIDAY- 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Introduction Erdreich
Welcome CUNY Grad School President Frances Degan Horowitz
Keynote speaker Mark Ross
Overview of sessions Harris
Language acquisition in children Schwartz
Moderated discussion
Principles of speech intelligibility
Physical to perceptual w/demos Erdreich
Moderated discussion
Hearing in children and effects on learning Gravel
Moderated discussion and overview of next day sessions

SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. TO 5:00 p.m.

Communication by hearing impaired listeners Boothroyd
Role of audiologists and speech pathologists Gladstone
Moderated discussion
Goals and criteria for acoustical planning Herbert
Moderated discussion
ADA requirements and update Thibault
The school design process Anstrand
Case Study 1 Brooks
Case Study 2 TBA
Breakout Sessions: HVAC Noise Control, ADA Compliance,Working with school boards, Criterion development
Break (Chairmen prepare summary of breakout sessions)
Panel discussion and summary Hochberg


David Anstrand, RA. Architect, Manheim Township Public Schools
Arthur Boothroyd, PhD. Professor, City University of New York PhD Program in Speech and Hearing Sciences.
Bennett Brooks, Principal, Brooks Acoustics Corporation.
John Erdreich, PhD, FASA. Principal, Ostergaard Acoustical Associates. President, National Council of Acoustical Consultants.
Victor Gladstone, PhD, Director of Audiology, American Speech, Language and Hearing Association.
Judith Gravel, PhD. Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY.
Katherine S. Harris, PhD, FASA. Professor Emeritus, City University of New York, PhD Program in Speech and Hearing Sciences. Vice-President, Haskins Laboratories.
R. Kring Herbert, FASA, INCE Bd. Cert., Principal, Ostergaard Acoustical Associates.
Irving Hochberg, PhD. Chairman, City University of New York, PhD Program in Speech and Hearing Sciences.
Marc Ross, PhD. Consultant, Lexington Center Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center.
Richard Schwartz, PhD. Professor, City University of New York, PhD Program in Speech and Hearing Sciences.
Lois Thibault, AIA, Director of Training, United States Access Board.

For more details and registration information, see the Workshop Brochure on the ASA website.

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