December 1997 Workshop on Acoustics and Learning

Comments on the Workshop Process

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o Breakout sessions highly effective o Next Workshop needs 2-3 days
o Great to hold a Workshop in a school and include a panel of students
o For future workshops, include more people from education (and politicians) who have power to make changes.
o Add time for short introduction of participants (to facilitate networking).
o Should be more attention to the acoustic needs of the audience - next time, provide ground rules
o Wish there were more posters. Appreciated effort to keep on schedule.
o Such respect for each other - crucial for success of conference.
o Occasionally too technical and too much jargon. Future meeting might have glossary.
o Discussion of metrics was poor. Using different metrics gives non-acoustician the wrong picture.
o Too little time to cover so much. Looking forward to proceedings.
o More demos. We acousticians should work harder to communicate language/nomenclature easily understood.


o Learned as much in informal talks as during formal sessions
o Excellent - enriching to meet different professionals - not typical of other conventions
o Exchange of viewpoints an eye-opener - must maintain the impetus - keep in touch.
o Great opportunity to work with professionals who share a mutual concern
o Contacts, networking was invaluable. Should be biannual meeting.
o Unique in that audiologists, acousticians, parents & architects were involved - focusing on common problem. o Appreciated opportunity to share my ideas with such a receptive audience.


o Use as jumping off place for another (Workshop).
o When is the next one? Lets start working on solutions.
o Found call to action exciting. Looking forward to proceedings & using in our (consulting) work.
o Great start. Keep the ball rolling.
o Great beginning. More attention needed on existing classrooms and on Kindergarten, early elementary grades.
o Vision should be on (same) level as the major campaigns to promote education & literacy - "Literacy U.S."
o Please don't let the momentum stop.


o Fund a joint project between acousticians and audiologists and report at next meeting. (Like P&P w/ ASA)
o Does hi-tech teleconferencing facility offer useful model for acoustic design and amplification?
o Have professionals visit classrooms (Writer extends invitation to visit Santa Barbara Co. schools)
o Publish a Handbook on Classroom Acoustics which includes pertinent info from each profession.
o No mention made (in classroom of the future) of benefit to students and there ability to learn.
o Sound amplification systems should be a last resort.
o (Acoustically) well designed room and teacher with basic voice training should be first goal.
o Provide a (class)room to get some research data. There are known solutions to implement.
o Similar organizing committee needed in Great Britain and for International bodies
o FICAN (Reps from CDC,EPA,HUD,NASA,NPS,FAA & DOD) interested - seeking rep from HEW
o Suggests consortium on Classroom Amplification representing interests at Workshop
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